Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nicknames... SMH

A little while ago I commented on a friends post on facebook. In my comment I called him by his real name, you know the one his Mom and Dad gave him. At the end of his response back he says, "it's xxxxxx online", insert crazy nickname for the x's. I laughed and thought to myself, "how long are we supposed to call this dude this name..." In my personal opinion if you are 25 or older and haven't made it as a rapper yet I'm not calling you by your rap name ever, in fact I'm not calling grown men any crazy nicknames like "Big Sexy", or big anything for that matter, what happens when they get skinny? Same thing goes for "Young So n So", we all getting older bruh. What's some crazy nicknames y'all have heard? How long should you be forced to call that person that name?

-excuse the terrible quality video...

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Friday, March 11, 2011

On A Serious Note

My thoughts and prayers, and I hope yours as well, go out to all those affected by the earthquake in japan and the aftermath it has caused. This is a reminder that sometimes this world has other plans for you. Live each day like it's your last and leave with no regrets.

God bless and Godspeed.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

WTF Does That Mean...

So a friend of mine posted some philosophy on facebook this morning - The mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders ~ credit to some Chinese dude (Lao Tsu). This got me thinking, what the f@#$ does this sh*# mean? So, I took to the internet to look up some more Chinese philosophy and I found these:

And remember, no matter where you go, there you are. ~Confucius (Ok, this one is more of a why does anyone need someone to tell them this? I know where the f@#$ I went)

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. ~Confucius (Rickey Bobby said "If you're not first you're last". Who's right?)

Never give a sword to a man who can't dance. ~Confucius (WTF?)

If the king loves music, there is little wrong in the land. ~Mencius (Obama loves hip hop! Where's our world peace? Actually, where's our national peace?)

Truth uttered before its time is always dangerous. ~Mencius (Hey y'all lie until your blue in the face!)

Mencius said that human nature is good. I disagree with that. ~Xun Zi (Obama said Kansas would win the NCAA tournament last year, I disagreed, turns out we were both wrong.)

Truth is these were subjectively selected. These guys also said some things that made a lot of sense. I talk a lot, and most of the time its bullshit, but every once in a while something ingenious comes roaring out of my mouth. Does that make me a philosopher?

Here's some philosophy for your ass: Money, Cash, Hoes. ~HOVA (ladies replace hoes with whatever derogatory word y'all use to describe men.)


p.s. ~ I guess since I don't understand these that's a stump... Somebody dig these old dudes up so I can buy them some Wendy's.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today we honor the life of the late great Notorious BIG, aka Biggie Smalls, aka Big Poppa, aka The Black Frank White, aka ah nevermind u get the point. Hit the jump for a fun fact.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


If this is what winning looks like...

Then this must be what losing looks like...

Stump The Doctor is in full affect! Like us on facebook and follow on twitter @stumpthedoctor.
