Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nicknames... SMH

A little while ago I commented on a friends post on facebook. In my comment I called him by his real name, you know the one his Mom and Dad gave him. At the end of his response back he says, "it's xxxxxx online", insert crazy nickname for the x's. I laughed and thought to myself, "how long are we supposed to call this dude this name..." In my personal opinion if you are 25 or older and haven't made it as a rapper yet I'm not calling you by your rap name ever, in fact I'm not calling grown men any crazy nicknames like "Big Sexy", or big anything for that matter, what happens when they get skinny? Same thing goes for "Young So n So", we all getting older bruh. What's some crazy nicknames y'all have heard? How long should you be forced to call that person that name?

-excuse the terrible quality video...

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1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, but i have a problem with giving people nicknames. You should know that, why do you think your name is DD. :)
